What you Need to know about NDIS Certification
NDIS Certification
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national scheme designed to help Australians with disabilities and their families. The NDIS has been introduced to replace the previous system, which was based on state-run disability services.
It’s important for people who work in the disability sector to understand how the NDIS works and what their role is within it. This includes having a good understanding of what it takes to be certified as an NDIS provider.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is rapidly becoming the vehicle of choice for disability service funding. However, it can be complex and time-consuming to get registered; and once you do, navigating through the increasingly bureaucratic red tape can also be a challenge. It is, therefore, essential that you make sure to choose the right Registered Provider (RSP) provider for you.
What is NDIS Certification?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the largest social reform in Australia’s history. It aims to provide support for people with disabilities, their families and careers. The NDIS is a national scheme that provides funds for people with disabilities who need help to live an ordinary life.
The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission (QSC) is responsible for regulating providers participating in the NDIS by ensuring they meet certain standards of quality and safety so that people receiving services can access them safely. Certification involves completing a rigorous accreditation process which demonstrates you meet these standards through:
- Designing your service according to certification principles;
- Having appropriate policies, procedures and practices;
- Having qualified staff who deliver services in line with those policies, procedures and practices;
- Adhering to relevant legislation/legal requirements such as privacy act requirements for personal information held about clients.
What does it mean to be NDIS Certified?
NDIS certification means that you are a registered NDIS provider. It’s a requirement if you want to provide services under the NDIS or be eligible for funding.
The process of becoming certified is different in each state and territory. In Victoria, for example:
- You need to apply through your state or territory government agency (e.g., the Victorian Department of Health)
- They will assess whether your organization meets their standards for delivering disability services – this generally involves completing an application form and providing evidence about things like staff qualifications and training records
- Once approved as an NDIS service provider by one state/territory government agency (e.g., Victorian Department of Health), it doesn’t matter which other states/territories approve your organization as well because they will recognize each other’s approvals.
Certification Requirements
The NDIS requires that you are certified. The process is designed to ensure the quality of services provided to people with disabilities.
The NDIA certifies providers of disability services, such as:
- Support Coordination Service Providers (SCSPs) – SCSPs provide support coordination services under an approved plan and enter into service arrangements with consumers or careers who need assistance in planning their supports
- Disability Management Service Providers (DMSPs) – DMSPs contract directly with consumers or careers who have complex needs, including those requiring high levels of support coordination or personal assistance, such as people with intellectual disabilities; mental health issues; sensory impairments; physical disabilities; behavioral difficulties such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD); chronic conditions such as epilepsy and diabetes mellitus type 1.
What are the Eligibility Requirements for NDIS Certification?
- You must be a registered NDIS provider.
- You must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
- You must be over 18 years old.
- You should have the skills and experience to provide services under the NDIS (for example, if you want to provide case management services).
If any of these criteria don’t apply to you, it doesn’t mean you can’t become certified as an individual or business–it just means that these requirements need to be met before applying for certification as part of your application process with us!
What are the Non-Eligibility requirements for NDIS Certification?
You are not eligible to be certified if you are:
- Not an Australian citizen or permanent resident.
- Not registered as a disability service provider with the NDIA.
- Not a member of a registered disability service provider organization that offers services to people with disabilities who are eligible for the NDIS.
You should apply to be certified as an approved provider for the National Disability Insurance Scheme if:
- You are a registered disability service provider or member of a registered disability service provider organization that offers services to people with disabilities who are eligible for the NDIA (National Disability Insurance Scheme), including children aged 0-18 years old, adults aged 18-64 years old and people over 65 years old.
How long Does it take to be Certified by NDIA?
It depends on the complexity of your application. You can ask for an estimate of how long it will take to be processed, but if you are not satisfied with the estimate, you can ask for a review of your application. If that doesn’t work out, then there’s always an appeal option!
It’s important to note that by October 1st 2019 it will be mandatory for all providers of disability services (including NDIS workers) in Australia to be certified by the NDIA.
Who Can help you with the NDIS process?
If you’re interested in finding out more about the NDIS, it’s a good idea to start by talking to your disability service provider. They might be able to tell you what they can offer, or they may know of other providers who could help with your needs.
A disability service provider is defined as: “a person or organization that provides disability services.” This can include an NDIS participant (that is, someone who receives funding through the National Disability Insurance Scheme), but it also includes organizations that do not participate in the scheme but provide similar services for people with disabilities anyway.
Who can apply for NDIS certification?
To be eligible for NDIS certification, you must:
- Be an approved provider in the state or territory where you want to provide services. You can check this on the My Aged Care website by searching for your organization’s name and checking its registration status. If it says ‘Yes’, then it’s approved!
- Have an NDIS contract with the NDIA. If you don’t have one yet but would like one, find out more here: [link].
- Satisfy any other eligibility requirements (click here) or contact us if you want more information about these requirements before applying for certification.
How do I apply for NDIS certification?
The first step in the process is to apply online or by phone. You can also download an application form and send it by post or fax. You can find out more about how to apply on the NDIA website
If you have any questions about the certification process, please get in touch with your local NDIA office
The NDIA will assess your application and let you know if you are eligible for certification. If you are, they’ll send you a letter confirming this.
If you’re not eligible for certification, the NDIA will let you know why not. If this happens, several things can be done to help improve your chances of being certified: -You can reapply after six months if you still have some significant change in your condition -You can get an independent assessment from a doctor or psychologist who specializes in disability issues and who knows about your situation.
You can talk to your NDIA office about how you might be able to get extra support and assistance with daily living activities.
How long Does it take to obtain NDIS Certification?
The process of obtaining NDIS certification can take a few months, but the good news is that you will be provided with a timeframe by the NDIA. If your application is not approved within that time frame, they’ll let you know and allow you to reapply.
The whole process is free – all it costs is some time and effort on your part! You must obtain all the required documents before applying for certification (see below). You also cannot have any criminal convictions for certain offences; if this applies to you, there are additional steps involved which we’ll explain later in this guide.
What happens after I’ve been Certified?
After you’ve been certified, you can start providing services. The NDIS will issue you with a certificate that states:
- You are eligible to provide services under the NDIS
- How much money the NDIS will pay (if any) for those services
You must renew your certification every 3 years. If there is any information missing from your renewal application or if there are issues with how often and how well you are meeting the requirements of being an NDIS provider, they may decide not to re-certify you as an NDIS provider. This means that if someone wants help from someone who isn’t certified as an NDIS provider or if they want help from someone who isn’t meeting all of their obligations under the scheme, then that person cannot assist them until their certification has been restored by getting it re-issued.
Learn about the process of getting Certified to Provide Services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a national, comprehensive and inclusive scheme, which aims to provide support for people with disability. It’s funded by the Australian Government and managed by state and territory governments. The NDIS provides funding for support to help participate in daily life activities, access mainstream services and make decisions about housing options.
To receive funding under the NDIS you must be eligible to receive support as either:
- A person with a permanent or significant disability; or
- A career of someone with a permanent or significant disability; or
- An individual purchasing their supports under an approved plan (if they meet certain requirements).
We hope that we’ve given you a good understanding of the process of becoming NDIS certified. It can seem complicated at first glance, but once you know what to expect and where to start, it’s quite straightforward. We wish you all the best in your journey towards becoming an NDIS provider!
- September 21, 2023
- By: Canopus Consultants
- Categories: Blog
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- Tags: Canopus Consultants, NDIS Business, NDIS Consultants