All You Need to Know About Aged Care Reforms
Aged Care Reforms
All You Need to Know About Aged Care Reforms. The aged care system in Australia is changing, and you may be wondering how this will affect you. The government has announced reforms to the aged care system that will see more people living in their own homes for longer, with more support available if they need it. These changes are part of a national strategy to build a sustainable, equitable and trusted aged care system.
What are Aged Care Reforms?
The aged care reforms are a series of changes to the aged care system. They’re the result of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, which was established in 2017. These reforms aim to improve the quality of care in aged care facilities across Australia, with a particular focus on improving safety and reducing abuse.
The first part of these reforms came into effect on 1 July 2019 when new staffing requirements took effect for residential aged care facilities (RACFs). These requirements include
- Having enough staff on-site at all times so that one nurse can be present for every 10 beds.
- Having qualified nurses work shifts that meet their work-life balance needs and ensuring higher levels of supervision during shift changes.
- Ensuring adequate training opportunities for staff.
- Providing adequate breaks during long shifts
- Prioritizing night-time nursing rosters so they don’t overlap with meal times.
Who is Ageing Australia?
Ageing Australia is the peak body for older Australians. They’re part of a network of organizations that represent and advocate for people with different needs and perspectives, including older people themselves. Ageing Australia speaks up on behalf of older Australians to the government and other decision-makers; they also provide information about policies that affect you as an older person.
Ageing Australia is funded by the Australian Government through its Department of Social Services (DSS). Many people assume it’s simply an arm of government bureaucracy but it was founded in 1972 after six years of lobbying by various groups including Age & Opportunity magazine staff members who felt there should be one centralized voice speaking out for all older Australians rather than several smaller ones representing specific interests at any given time.
How Can I Pay For My Aged Care Costs?
There are several ways that you can pay for your aged care fees. The government will pay for part of the cost, but you may still need to contribute some money yourself.
- You can claim a rebate on your fees if you meet certain criteria such as being an Australian citizen or permanent resident, having lived in Australia for at least 10 years before moving into an aged care facility and being assessed as requiring high-level care services by an approved assessor.
- You can claim a tax deduction on your fees if they are related to providing support services while someone lives in their own home. However, this only applies if the person receiving these services is not eligible for any other types of government assistance such as pensioner concessions or health care cards because they have private health insurance coverage instead – so check first before claiming this deduction. This means that while it may seem like saving money now could end up costing more later down the track when considering these factors together with other things like inflation rates. Try not to worry too much about getting every dollar saved today since chances are good enough anyway.
How Do I Choose A Good Home?
- Check the accreditation of the home.
- Check the history of the home.
- Ask about their staff turnover and training programs, as well as their staff ratios.
What Should My Aged Care Plan Include?
The Ageing, Disability and Home Care Package is designed to help you understand the different types of care available, including when you might need them, how much they cost and what support arrangements are available.
The package also includes an Aged Care Assessment Tool (ACAT) that can help you work out if someone could benefit from an aged care service. It is a national tool that all aged care providers have to use so people get consistent assessments across Australia regardless of where they live. The ACAT asks questions about your health status, activities of daily living (ADLs), social connections/support networks and mental well-being. ACAT also asks about factors that might affect the ability to live independently at home without needing additional support services such as community nursing or personal care services like meal preparation assistance or housework assistance programs.
What Sort of Support Will Be Available To Me When I Move Into A Home?
The first thing you need to do is find out what sort of support is available.
- What kinds of support are there? There are three main types of aged care: residential care (usually in a home), where you live full-time, short-term respite care, which provides an alternative place for you to stay when your family needs a break, and community services such as meals on wheels or assistance with shopping. Depending on your needs and preferences, one type may be more suitable than another. You can also choose between public and private providers – each has its pros and cons, so it’s worth doing some research before deciding which one suits your situation best!
- How do I choose the right kind? It depends on what kind of support you want or need now as well as what might happen down the track (elderly people often experience changes over time). For example, if someone has dementia then they may require different levels at different times throughout their lives so it’s important not just to think about today but to look ahead too.
The government is implementing new changes to the aged care system
The government is implementing new changes to the aged care system.
These reforms will affect you if you are currently in, or plan on entering an aged care facility. If you are unhappy with your current home, you must act now so that when the changes come into effect next year, they don’t disrupt your life further than necessary.
2023-24 Budget
The government has committed to increasing funding for aged care, disability and NDIS services. The 2023-24 Budget will see $3 billion in extra funding over the next four years. The extra $1 billion in this year’s budget will be used for infrastructure and initiatives that support older Australians in their homes, including:
- $300 million for home care packages
- $150 million for additional respite services
- $95 million for dementia-friendly communities
Royal Commission on the Quality and Safety of Aged Care
The Royal Commission Into Aged Care Quality and Safety was established by the Australian Government in March 2018. The final report was released on 28 February 2019 and contained a range of recommendations for how to improve care standards across Australia.
The recommendations included:
- Increased funding for residential aged care services (elderly homes) by $1 billion per year from 2020-2023;
- New accreditation standards for residential care facilities;
- More transparency around costs when choosing an aged care facility;
- Better information about rights as a resident in an aged care facility;
- Plans for future funding arrangements beyond 2024
We hope you now understand the importance of aged care reforms and how they can help your loved ones. If you’re ready to act, start by contacting us today so we can get started on a plan that works best for your situation.
- September 21, 2023
- By: Canopus Consultants
- Categories: Blog
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- Tags: Canopus Consultants, NDIS Business, NDIS Consultants